Oltman uses everyone, stabs them, then defames them. I know you know how much he lies. And the felon "professor" (whom I think is on medication again - he's gained some weight and hasn't pulled obviously grandiose outrageous selfie drama videos in a while. His wife is a nasty cold menace in the same mold but far more controlled and controlling.). Grifters always amaze me. I know one personally, I won't name her here, but these dopamine addicted narcissists are liabilities; they do not care who they use or hurt. The one I know personally has actually brought about the deaths of several people who listened to her "advice" (She tells them not to go to doctors, not to take chemo). She uses "Dr." in her name and fails to correct people who think she is a medical doctor. Like Oltman, she inserts herself into past history or dramatic made-up ones (She cured HIV, etc.) because there aren't many people who will dig out the truth or go through her videos where she makes multiple contradicting representations.

Mike Lindell is a great man, and he has been taken by too many cons. Mike approaches people in good faith, because he is a good man. Donald Trump made those mistakes, and that same strength is also his Achilles' heel. He still makes those mistakes although a bit less often now. Both Mike and DJT have traitors in their midst, you have been burned yourself. Some of these people are good at their bullshit. Some make themselves useful tools for the wicked.

Thank you for continuing to do the 116-ways-to-steal-elections presentations! I urge friends, and acquaintances, and fellow substack readers to at the very least, pick some of the warriors making a difference and send them $5 or more a month. Any donation given regularly adds up if there are thousands of them or millions. I always explain why it is necessary and how much litigation costs, even if the attorneys were to work pro bono which many cannot do.

I am working on some general legal templates for those who want to try and file pro se for injunctive relief as you recommend they do when they encounter identity theft at the polls. They are also going to need to list the basic elements of the crime(s) in their WRITTEN report to the Sheriff' Office and prosecuting attorney. It has to be written, because the deputy is going argue why there isn't a crime to report. They are spread thin and writing a report and investigating takes time. If they have a written report from the victim, they will have to give the victim a report number and follow up.

I was frightened for you as we all were, when you were poisoned by the acrylamide spray. Thank you, God for healing Jovan! I pray for Mike, DJT and you and your loved ones' protection, too, as many of us do and for others (I have a notebook of people I rotate through, but you, DJT, Mike and some others are on my every night list.)

People lost their lives and lost their ability to provide for their family and employees living during the Maricopa audit. Deliberately infecting Doug Logan's and your teams with extra weaponized Wuhan synthetic virus! Then being sued and ravaged by the crooked courts and unable to fight and appeal. People do not realize how serious things are, how dead set the globohomopedo satanist cabal is on overthrow and eliminate.

I hope you will explain about the 10,000 PLA troops a month coming through the border. DOD personnel are very unhappy that they are sent to Columbia and Ecuador to train Chinese troops, outfit them with papers so that when they come to the U.S. border, CBP has to let them go join their units. There are at least 7 divisions worth of PLA soldiers. There are 2 million hardened Sharia Jihadists that DOD has imported and trained, also. Those are the guys that have ATF paperwork and full-auto weapons filmed at public shooting ranges. Michael Yon and others are all over this and trying to be heard.

Thank you for your preparation and self-sufficiency talks and projects. I have been contacted by your people on these. You always follow through, Jovan!

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shady, is the feeling I get around any of it or them.

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