Elon asleep at the wheel. Or Satan took the wheel.

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Prolly have to FIRE everyone, because you would only work there for money (lots) and/or ideological reasons. And any ideological "extreme" right is NOWHERE near twitter.

Still think we can enact lasting change if we keep up the pressure. It's not going to be easy or quick though.

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I had my paid verified blue check disappear last week. Still have been unable to recover it. No suspension no warning and no evasive language so I’m still in limbo waiting for return of my paid subscription blue check, ugh

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You shall not pass

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Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD . . . Elon Musk is a Scumbag - The Ultimate Agent of Government Censorship . . .


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Yeah, C'mon Elon! What the heck are you doing, blocking a decent guy who points out a wacko who is calling for killing all Christians. That person needs permanent suspension, and maybe jail time for inciting violence and murder! Blessings on you Jovan Hutton!

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I hope it's just a glitch in their algorithm that hasn't been corrected, but that's just wishful thinking. It most likely is your devout stance for "real truth, justice, and the American way"!

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We are STILL assuming good faith, which is obviously a MISTAKE on our part. No "good faith" is involved. They don't even pretend to follow the rules, obviously the 'rule' quoted had nothing to do with your posting.

They let THEIR hoodlums post, but you cannot post, because they disagree with your politics and agree with the hoodlum.

Maybe a label "I'm NOT advocating violence, why does THIS person have approval to do so?"

(there I "go again" assuming GOOD FAITH!)


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It looks like a younger person with little education has control. He/she doesn't understand English either.

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Just. Wow...

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Thank you for showing how this unfolded. I can’t believe that first, you get suspended for reposting something that SOMEONE ELSE WROTE and posted and secondly, that they weren’t kicked off permanently. This statistic, weirdo was calling for murder!

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sounds like twitter is regressing .....infiltrated ? it was nice while it lasted.....sorry this happened to you Jovan, for no reason at all! .... I just saw this article, the IRS is targeting Matt Taibbi and I saw someone else suspended for a biblical verse.....https://www.atr.org/irs-paid-an-unannounced-and-unprompted-visit-to-the-home-of-matt-taibbi-the-same-day-he-testified-to-congress-about-government-abuse/

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Elon has said he is turning Twitter over to someone else to run as he does not have the time to do it.He has multi-billion dollar businesses to run. He is picking some he thinks is competent to run Twitter for him. Maybe not so much?

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In principle, there is not (and never can be) any Twitter moderation policy that does not violate free speech. The only rational alternative is for Twitter to provide users with moderation tools that enable each user to moderate his own Twitter feed according to his own personal preferences.

If Elon doesn't understand this, he's just another idiot savant. He probably does understand, however, and he has simply misrepresented himself as having intended to make Twitter a ”public square” operating under the same restraints that the 1st Amendment places on government entities. If so, I hope that he will eventually decide to sell Twitter to a private owner who will operate it as a true public square.

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I got shut down too. I hate Twitter so much, I just wish I could kick the habit. I had a troll stalking me around from one of Katie Hobbs posts telling me to SHUT THE FUCK UP! After everything I said anywhere. I finally got pissed and told the person “eat a pecker” and was immediately locked up. Pissed me off so bad! I think there must be someone working at Twitter that is going around provoking people. I also tried reporting the stalker but Twitter said they didn’t violate rules but I did.

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You need to choose your battles more carefully.

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