Appeal time

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Kari Lake needs to speak to David Jose. Full stop.

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The judge precipitously threw out 8 of the counts, and I think he thought Lake wouldn't have the evidence for the other 2. Watching his body language when testimony and argument proved the 2 remaining counts, that judge was freaking out. As a retired lawyers, having been my county's prosecutor, having done criminal defense, admin/agency law and more, I am beyond appalled and incensed at the overt lawlessness, ongoing intimidation and selling out. They don't care that it will bite them and their families in the ass horribly when the Overthrow is completed. I'm sending a donation to Lake, Finchem and Hamadeh's legal expenses. Modest amount, wanting to be able to do more.

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Must be so hard, yet Kari will buckle up and keep marching. SO must we. Just like Trump. We will win in the end. God wins.

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Sickening. Could not listen to the whole narration. Lying coward judge.

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Behind Kari 100%!! As Precinct Commiteemen in AZ, we are committed to taking down the corrupt RINOs that are involved in this mess. We start local and work our way up and man, is it a mess!

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what's the going rate for judges these days? Where do the threats come from. Appears his mind was made up prior. These people continue to destroy our judicial system as well as ignore their oaths to defend Americans Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic Our legal system along with the government are the domestic enemy.

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This is what I presumed would happen. Until we fight fire with fire the only domino’s to fall will be our own. If you can’t beat the game then your doing it wrong. It’s time for a new strategy that no one has done before.

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I’m not giving up, and I pray Kari won’t either. We know we are in the right, and we must stay positive because we have God on our side.

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Compromised totally. Cherry picking premises of complaint. Focused on plaintiff witnesses 'first person knowledge of 'intent'' when only a 'whistleblower' would have that knowledge. Dismissed the sufferage of Arizona voters & sidestepped meteing out the inept performance of officials which in itself created harm & failure of due diligence, and totally stepped over taking deeper dive into entire order of maladministration which frankly LEADS TO DISCOVERY OF INTENT by corruptly usurping rules, process, procedure which was designed to safeguard election integrity!

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I still would like someone to petition a judge to allow for a grand jury. That would be the best way in this since the scope of investigation can widen if the panel feels like the scope is too narrow. They wouldn’t be bound to by any means. This is also a good way to see an audit gets done.

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Sorry jovan i could only listen long enough to learn that he punted. His bias showed by restricing the sample size. I don t think people will stand for it.

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Key word really seems to be ”statutory”… Common sense can’t win when a judge has to rule by statutes. 🤮

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