So are we to assume you were able to redo the photographs and the ledger properly?

I was following the audit as you published. Why was the judge able to ignore your evidence? Just the other day I commented on Hofts article about Clements new movie that it was shameful the way the Hofts ignored you.

I just don't understand how you got ignored so completely.

God bless you for all you've done.

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yes, 100% of the photos were redone. The Hoff's chose to support Oltman, Clements and Shiva when all that mess happened. They chose where they come down

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I am disappointed that you weren't front and center amongst all the folks trying to get to the bottom of 2020...it never made sense when you could bring the receipts while others were still stuck in the statistics phase. When I was in pharma, we had to be able to 'track and trace' throughout all aspects of the drug development process. This was my work as a consultant later in life. This is one of the best vids out there that shows the same process and that can be used in court. Sadly, the courts are afraid of this material as it would blow up all the fraud. Thank you for doing this. I just got your book and can't wait to get started.

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Hire Clements :P

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Now that is a simple solution, elegant and effective! LOL

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Would there be an effect or corruption of data if the date or time stamp on the data is indifferent to original generating device or different between transferring devices?

Or by size differences between the page or image file sizes. In other words, if the original file was copied then manipulated and replaced as if it were the original, but showed a different amount of bits?

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Yes, and we exposed those

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Here is the answer you asked me to get from the Chat on locals today:

In his order, Jantzen said he has been working on a “minute entry,” a type of court order, and hoped to have it done prior to Friday afternoon.

“But a weekend fire in the court’s home and some emergencies added to my calendar have prevented completion of that minute entry,” the judge wrote.

The order comes more than six months after Jantzen threw out Hamadeh’s original challenge of the election results.

This was found reported here: https://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2023/07/15/arizona-judge-rules-no-new-trial-for-hamadeh/

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Whatever happened with the forensic audit?...Im sure demorats will say nothing was found, which means MUCH was found.

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Have you not been following the results of the findings all this time?

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We need easily digestible 5 to 10 minute summary videos. Nobody has time for hour + long presentations. Doug in Exile has the right idea. Short & sweet.

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I've seen very little, except the msm who claims nothing was found. Mike Lindell had some info but it was not presented well, and of course subsequently buried. Please point me in the direction of the final conclusion and we'll help spread it far and wide. I was following you early on, but you've essentially been buried too.

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So glad you were able to see that these photos were corrupted in time to take them again so that you had a full set images you could use! Nice work!

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We had to work fast, but they did all they could do to attempt to NOT have us do our work

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Jovan, do you believe there will ever be a path to redress? We are truly living in a world filled with horiffic wicked beings! Thank you for all you do, all your work! I pray always for your health (and security!)...

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Tina, not redress for what was taken from Trump, but redress in fixing it so it never happens again- yes I think that is possible.

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Thank you!

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If MSM wasn't in the pockets of the Billionaire leftist donors, getting the truth out wouldn't be a problem. We can find all the needles in haystakes we want but, they won't change anything unless millions see the evidence. Time is running out for cretive Banners on freeway over passes or billboards on hillsides.

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Horrible. 😪

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It is and it was

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Jovan, what you're saying is the forensics were sabotaged once you agreed to stay off the floor of the audit.

Why are you coming out now with this?

Can you now bring this up to the audit committee?

This was more than two years ago, the ballots have been destroyed, correct?

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I brought it out then, the company WAKE was terminated, but that did not change the issue. They ALL had to be redone. lawmakers ignored this fact

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Jovan has told us multiple times over the years about the compromised images. This time we got to see in detail HOW, and WHY they were useless! Great presentation that helps explain the meaning of forensics.

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Did you catch who messed with the quads?

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Yes, its mentioned in the presentation

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What I see is we have incompetent election leadership who shouldn't be in charge of elections. This is deliberate sabotage and it shouldn't be interpreted as anything else.

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Jovan: regrettably, the Maricopa audit was absolutely NOT a "full forensic audit" — it was a partial forensic audit. See our Report as to the three major elements that comprise a full forensic audit <https://election-integrity.info/Post_Election_Audits.pdf>. The reason that is was partial (according to a conversation I had with Doug Logan) is due to the limited amount funded by the Arizona legislature.

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Next, the fact Lawmakers would NOT allow the Canvass to be considered, YES that is Sabotage. And yes, in your outline if no canvass not FFA. FUNNY no one even used that term until we did what we did. But yes, IF I could wave a magic wand to make it everything, all inclusive, soup top nuts, then YES it could be expanded and should

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I get you posting your own interpretation and your pdf. But it was a FULL FORENSIC AUDIT at the time, with all that COULD be brough to the forefront. The Canvassing part COULD NOT and was not allowed in the work. Yes, but 20/20 many many more things could be done. But at least it started the process.

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Jovan: The Maricopa audit was never a full forensic audit. The work order clearly shows that. Note — the fact that is was NOT a full forensic audit is actually in our advantage. Our argument is that much more would have been revealed if it was a FULL Forensic Audit, but it was not.

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And this is why EVERYONE needs to get into the very same room and come out with a battle plan an united front. Without it we are going to lose.

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Let me ask you a question John. I am the VERY PERSON who even first used or coined the term "Full Forensic Audit" in relation to General Elections. At the time we did what we could get done. Is this about what the words "Full Forensic Audit" mean now? Of course, it means something totally different now WHY? We all learned. OK great, but will we apply what we learn? NO, because the GOP and political operatives will never let it happen. So should I stop using MY term and now use only your term? Ok, now what does that get us? How do we implement it? Understand your doc, now tell me how do we get there. Had many said it was not a full forensic audit for many reasons...... but did that stop us> Is it real about 3 words or real actions. Hell, I am sure 1,000 folks have drafted 5,000 papers calling for suggestions and that is always easy hindsight - but the focus needs to be on solutions. Even I have moved on from Full Forensic Audits. That happened for me when Wendy Rodgers did her 38 state money raising tour and NM Professor claimed he was the only FFA. What did I learn in all this. Words means nothing when it comes to making readl change. It could be called the Ultimate Audit, maybe even the Wendy Audit, Clements Auid or the Droz Audit... does that move the needle ? NO. What we now need is everyone who really has done the work it take (not just the commentators and observers) to all come together and establish a single standard and single talking points sheet. But, I suggest to you - it is 1000 times more easier to get a FFA in Michigan than it would be to get the top 20 people who really know their FFA crap to get in a room and make an agreement to move forward in unison. Only thing bigger than the GOP's ego is the EGO of those who feel they are election experts or audit experts of elections now. Solutions?

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Jovan: My understanding is tha the term "Forensic Audit" came from the business world. Here ii is used in 2009 <https://commons.erau.edu/jdfsl/vol4/iss1/3/>.

My team of experts' Report on Post-Election Audits was not based on their opinions, but rather they advocated meaningful audits of the three main components of the election process: 1) voters, 2) machines, and 3) ballot handling. Such an audit would be a Full Forensic Audit.

We could discuss what meaningful consists of, and in my team's report we cited examples of each. Fortunately we have exemplary audits of each of the three main components, that were done in 2020.

In other words, we cited real-world examples of what could be (and had been) done. More importantly, each one of those three audits uncovered MAJOR problems of malfeasance — so we also know that they work!

Therefore, we are advocating audits that have been done and have proven effective. If you have something better than that, please publish it.

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