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Our watchmen are wearing enemy uniforms

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Very technical this evidence shows why they needed to amplify foreign intrusion to justify cyber Surveillance and in turn coordinate subtle ballot insertion from a central location

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that is awesome. congrats jovan

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And still, no government actions for serious investigations. We continue to wait and wait until the inevitable truth of “Trump was right, AGAIN!” What is the count now, 5 or 6 times. I’ve lost count but, Biden’s sheep continue to wear horse blinders. The phrase enemy from within has never been clearer and out in the open than in the past 6 years. In both actions by the Democrats and lack of actions by the Republicans. That is the big difference. “D” is for Destroyers while “R” seems for Rebuilders. Let us not forget, unlike the Democrats who will not blink an eye at wasting tax dollars on witch hunts, Republicans silently know, any attempt at impeaching Joe would be a costly waste of resources and time as long as the Senate is ruled by Democrats.

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What most people especially Americans avoid acknowledging is that both Trump and Biden are a manifestation of what they are and have evolved into as a nation. Biden is not even an excuse for a president. A mannequin filling a vacant space devoid of any contact with reality.

Trump on the other hand did not get to the presidency by sleight of hand or other manipulation of the electoral process. In fact considering the 'evidence' relied upon by the Biden government to rebut the allegations by Trump that the elections were stolen, one begins to understand how deeply mired in confusion and ignorance the American people are today.

I mean it is not as if the condition of the American has changed so drastically since the Gulf of Tonkin incident or the single gunman theory in the Kennedy assassination or the 9/11 cover up and other events of American political drama of the last century.

Nothing will change for the better for America and its Western allies as long as their children are fed a diet of reality TV, America has got talent, Taylor Swift as music, the uber importance of homosexuality and other mutant forms of sex, the shield and sword of "hate speech" and "racism" over more important discussions to be had.

Yuri Bezmenov, former Russian spy defector warned us of the deeper and clandestine means by which the Soviets (as they were then) had planted in the West the seeds of destruction. We are living that nightmare today.

Father forgive them for they know not what they do. I love Putin.

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