As we celebrate Memorial Day and the lives of those who sacrificed their lives for all of us, we have sadness and anger at the very same time!
We mourn the passing of those who died for our freedoms and liberty and are angry with those who are currently killing America right under our noses! My program this morning was dedicated this to topic, and it is well worth watching (be forewarned of it may cause uncontrollable tears) (CLICK LINK AT WATCH)
We can survive this destruction of America IF we embrace TRUTH AND TRANSPARENCY!
In an effort to once and for all expose how our elections were taken over, I have released “Countdown To Chaos” The book is rapidly advancing up the Best Seller Charts! The following will help you understand just how important and historic this book is:
We took one simple baseline question “Could the elections in America be compromised in any manner by anyone?”
Then with that simple question we dug into the actions, words, policies, laws and edicts of our “so-called election officials”, agencies, lawmakers and the entire voting apparatus in the United States of America. In doing a deep forensic dive into the actions and words of the very officials we are supposed to trust with our elections, could we find a real answer to “Could the elections in America be compromised in any manner by anyone?” If you read this entire book and absorb what “they told us and implemented” you will find your answer.
WORD OF WARNING - if you do not want the truth - the absolute truth - put this book down right now!
The answer to the question of “can the United States elections be compromised?” is fully answered in this body of work. When reading Countdown to Chaos these are some of the questions you should be considering when you ingest this research:
Did Barack Obama deliver on his October 30, 2008, promise to “fundamentally transform the United States of America”?
Do we have a decentralized election system which is fully controlled by the States as prescribed by law?
Have elections in the United States become silently “Federalized”?
Has the advent of Public-Private Information Sharing Platforms compromised the integrity of United States elections?
Could our elections become overlorded and monitored in a silent and invisible way?
Has what been initially created for good become used for bad in the American elections?
Is the true and authentic voice of the American voter heard through its election systems?
Is the United State Constitution, including the 10th Amendment, still the unfettered law of the land regarding elections?
Is the American voting system both sound and secure?
Has “what we don’t know” hurt American Voters?
Are our elections run by a federal agency of some sort?
Are our elections run by a nationwide quasigovernmental authority?
Did “multi-directional information sharing” destroy American voting systems and elections?
What role do Fusion Centers really play in American elections?
Did “Flow Records” compromise American elections?
Did the Homeland Security Act of 2002 compromise American elections?
Did the Deep State hide directives programs and toolboxes in the fine print of government documents?
Did the United States, in order to create deniability, create programs and systems to operate constitutionally outside its jurisdictions?
Did the United States government literally release the blueprint to compromise all American elections?
Is there remote access to our election systems?
Did commercially available intrusion detection abilities compromise American elections?
Does the United States government deploy specific lawfare strategy to prevent investigations into election fraud?
Did the United States provide “no cost” cyber services in exchange for data structural access?
Are there “outside the firewall” network connections which have compromised our American elections?
Is there a reason that all logs and data do not remain on certain systems within the jurisdiction of state or local agencies?
Did the United States provide vulnerable systems and programs to each state under the guise of “cyber security”?
Are American elected officials now selected not elected?
Are the American voting systems forever damaged?
Can we ever have a safe and secure American election ever again?
JOIN www.FireAxe.Academy become a TRUE Election Integrity Expert!
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