What I have learned putting myself and my family through this election integrity nightmare
It was never my intention to be in the election integrity business. For me is is not a business, but my duty as an American Patriot. Yet, others thinking there is some huge financial windfall to make are now getting into the election integrity - more specifically election audit business.
There is no need for election audits as a business. This industry should not exist because our election should be so secure there is really no need for audits. Fixing all the holes in our election and voting systems is very easy.
If It Is So Easy Why Hasn’t It Been Done Yet?
The obvious answer to that question is - it has never been fixed since all parties benefit from the broken system and it has become status quo and many in power now have fully benefited from it, they in no way want to let go of their “ace in the hole” voting racket.
Court of Public Opinion and Why It Is Deployed!
What Kills All These Election Integrity Efforts Otherwise?
People and the rumor mill are what kills the ability to have safe, secure, transparent, and spot on counts in our elections.
Republicans make me sick. I understand the left, but I do not understand the right. One day you have a great relationship with someone on the right, who say they want safe, secure, and transparent elections and then the next day you find out they are feeding the rumor mill with the most vicious of rumors.
They will hang on for all the information and insight they can, but all the while feed the beast called the rumor mill. For example:
Failed Treasure Hunter and Inventor
As you know, Secretary of State Georgia, Brad Raffensperger has his team at the State level post a hit piece about me as soon as I testified for the Georgia Senate. There is a method to this madness. The left always attacks those on the right who can and are making a difference. It is how the game is played and how the deep states work to undermine those who can make a difference. Many times, it is the hardest on those who can make the most difference in stopping the deep state in its tracks.
This is one of the most used tactics to stop the good guys from stopping the bad guys.
Simple Formula: Sell The Good Guys To The Public As Really Being The Bad Guys!
The problem is the right knows the left does this junk and they know this is how the game is played. Funny thing is that even knowing it is junk and just a deep state tactic you would be surprised just how many on the right fall for it.
Over the last little bit, I have been made privy to conversations where many top conservative voices get together and try to work out the strategy to win this war against the ruining of the United States of America.
In this group, many who would you know, a couple of voices entered and chimes in “stay away from that failed treasure hunter” or “jovan hutton pulitzer is an absolute fucking nut job”. Yeah, I know bummer - but that is the way the game is played.
These people get into groups, and they are in all groups and their goal is to cause chaos and dissention so “nothing materializes”. To do this all they have to keep doing is seeing the group with rumors, BS and deep state backed narrative and eventually the group turns. This is why the Republicans fail over and over and over and we never get election integrity.
The 2020 Fight, Mandates, Manipulation and Doing Anything To Win!
I Would Not Wish This On Anyone
However, the ones who just let this rumor mill grow, eventually find that same rumor mill turns on them and their credibility. Welcome to the deep state.
As for me, I would not wish this hurt, trauma, and continued insult upon anyone, but the fact of the matter I bank 100% on myself and getting the job done right. Just like no one is coming riding up on a white horse to save you, nor is any army about to deploy to fix it - you have to 100% rely on yourself, your tenacious work ethic and you own G-d given talents to see you through this mess.
I’m On An Island With Only Myself
Which I have no problem with, I just wish there were still the old days where a man’s word was as good as gold. Where a handshake was an unbreakable bond and where loyalty was king and not connections, image, or influence.
Living on an island alone is not bad. It does get lonely, and it does have its limitations, but at the end of the day you still have to look in the mirror and be ok with yourself and know you are true to the end game and no matter what you will get it done - if it’s the last thing you ever contribute to mankind.
Jovan, learning from you has changed my life and I’m doing what I can to pass it along with confidence. You have my utmost respect and I am forever grateful. Love and prayers for you and your family.
So true, 1 bad apple ruins the whole cart... and it's lonely at the top:)! thank you for all your sacrifices and all you do each and every minute! the most significant of all efforts of this war for survival of humanity.