When Posers Become Pundits - Mosedud Makes Us All Look Bad
The Left Beats Us Because We Give Them The Ammo To Do It With
We can ALL agree the left is looking for anything to attack anyone involved with the election integrity movement. They don’t care if it is the truth, since they will lie. Yet, there is something better than a lie and that is a poser who suddenly becomes a pundit.
Case and Point:
Little Nickey Moseder - a child posing as someone qualified to comment on politics and elections.
Do not get me wrong, I do not begrudge anyone the right to try to better their lives, but I do think in whatever they choose to peruse, they have to have an objective maturity.
That is about the extent of a conversation I had with Little Nickey months ago when I was suggesting he NOT expose one of the findings in the audit in Arizona. Why would I have this discussion? He was promoting a guest on his “podcast”, and it was something NOT known to the public at the time and was still trying to gain traction with the AZ AG and Senate. In my opinion, when you release something premature, you are doing nothing more than arming the enemy with the ability to control the dialog and for a defense before we ever get them to court.
So, I reached out to Nick to implore him NOT to expose this finding yet (of another investigator) and to possibly wait a bit longer so we could see the Senate and AG in AZ was going to do with the information. This is when I was met with the response above “Fuck you - you just want to release this story yourself”.
The conversation which I recorded is laughable and me and my team have listened to it several times (it is that juvenile and funny), but the fact of the matter is election integrity and this battle for the soul of America is no laughing matter, nor something someone is looking to make their “social media creds” upon. Which brings me to this headline:
Here Little Nickey is once again, but even worse than the Adam Sandler movie flop with the same name, trying to sensationalize and make a name for himself and trying to pull a stunt akin to a prepubescent junior high schooler attempting a “Pull My Finger” joke or laughing when he gloats “Made You Look!”
My mind searches for why people follow those who are just trying to make a name for themselves and have no business skills, common sense or expertise to weigh the options of their actions - before they are taken.
The Left DOES NOT Need to Be Fed Stories by The Supposed Right
The headline Little Nickey used was an attempt at traffic and relevance. The very same “made you look” tactic the left using when gaslighting Americans.
Do we really need this on the conservative side?
Granted I’m no angel, but the fact is the devil IS in the details and the details to the story was one huge nothing burger, known and should have never been fed to the public. But then again, Little Nickey also promoted the following:
General Flynn said a Satanic Prayer
The Arizona Audit was a grift
The Arizona Audit was a scam
and; I could continue on- and on
But here we are. Our own (supposed) side pushing BS to try to gain attention.
I guess if I was young again and had a part-time job as a drug counselor with no other business experience I would try my hand at this political punditry game, especially if my wife was the bread winner and I had a new baby. I can relate, I was a dad at 17.
But I care enough about my country to know the difference of when peddling hype will actually hurt the cause of saving America from Socialism.
“He knows a guy whose cousin dated a girl who knew the sister” kind of way. (story)
Was the response by Patrick Byrne. It is a shame Little Nickey felt he would take the ONE MAN WHO PUT UP MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF HIS OWN FORTUNE TO MAKE SURE THE ARIZONA AUDIT HAPPEN and try to use Pattrick’s notoriety to get himself some attention.
The headline is the issue I have. Entrepreneurism is great and I support it, and if you want to get your political news, insight and election integrity how-to from someone like Little Nickey with no basis in such, well - it’s a free world baby.
However, we all need to be very careful with our three votes:
Our Ballots
Our Time
Our Money
and we all need to be very careful with those last two votes. Your time and money, especially these days should be invested wisely into prudent, mature, factual a credible experienced source, for we have all followed the fallacious fake news for far too long.
Jovan, You are on point with this story. Sometimes as a reporter of facts, we are forced to step back and look at the impact the story may or may not have. Sometimes it may or may not expose people in harms way and it is a major responsibility that many can not balance. Sometimes the rush to be first with a story gets in the way of young journalist as they think it is a race. I call it the checkered flag affect. With age comes wisdom, but the checkered flag distorts such as much as a full face helmet changes a racer's attitude.
Jovan, I have also been following and listening to you, since Georgia. Im one of your locals subscribers and it has been worth every penny. IMHO, you educate, and anyone you have ever called-out has been for good reason and you always produce the receipts. Your twisted sense of humor is a plus! By the way, the picture of the eggs on telegram got me. =) Dont change a thing.
P.S. I follow Patrick Byrne on locals, trust him implicitly. Its unfortunate to witness the inevitability of the good guys being attacked coming to fruition.