Survive The Crap - How To Hack It- When The World Is Going To Hell In A Handbasket
I have started a new exclusive podcast!
Introduction This is Surviving The Crap - How To Hack It While World Is Going To Hell In Handbasket!, a newsletter about Prepping, Food Security, Culture Preservation, Freedom From Tyranny!
It’s good to have you here and yes we all feel like our world is going to hell in a handbasket. Unfortunately, in many ways it is!
However, we do not need our politicians or government to lead us, we only need to lead ourselves away from being servants to the system, held captive by the system. Want to survive the crap the government causes, then cut the crap out of your dependent life. Learn how to depend only on YOU! You are the most important person in your own survival.
If you do not protect, cherish, and secure yourself, what makes you think you are on the “let’s protect this person” list of your government? That is right, there is no list and there is no protection by the government, there is only self-protection.
You and your family depend on YOU getting this right. Join me here as my new audio podcast feeds you constantly with all you need to know, practice, and partake of to SURVIVE THE CRAP! This podcast is even more than I could ever pack into one book. Plus, we talk about what is going on and why you need to learn the particular lesson I am teaching you. There are hundreds of lessons you need to learn about survival, but so few people really take the time to sit down and read, so that is why I am delivering this information one audio lesson at a time.
Same teaching techniques I always use but focused on helping you survive the crap as the world is headed to hell in a handbasket.
In 2013, I rereleased my 2008 Survival Handbook originally titled SURVIVE OR DIE! as Commander’s How To Cut Off Your Arm and Eat Your Dog That book is almost 700 pages long so much had to be jammed in that it had to be printed in small print.
The left gives me shit about the book title, but when you have been in the situations I have you learn to depend on yourself to survive. Here is a synopsis of the contents of the book:
COULD YOU CUT OFF YOUR OWN ARM, so you could live? WOULD YOU EAT YOUR OWN BELOVED DOG, if your survival or the survival of your family depended on it? The human condition is to learn only in tough times, but who wants to learn when the chips are down and their very life depends on their decisions? Better to study those who have survived and integrate those lessons into your own memory bank of learning. That is what this book is about – learn NOW, and SURVIVE when the proverbial poop hits the fan! This book consists of two distinct parts:
Part One: Inspiring stories of survival. Learn from others that have survived the worst possible situations.
Part Two: Prepare you and your family (and YOUR MIND) with easy-to-learn basic and advanced skills for all types of situations.
Skills you need to know NOW — not when you are headed for an excursion or family outing to a remote or harsh environment. How you decide to equip yourself beforehand will impact whether or not you and your family survive. Surviving and the ability to survive is not just about being lost in the mountains, the jungle, or stranded at sea. With the way the world is going, if a huge disaster hit your city, could you, or would you and your family survive? What would you do if you were alone in the wild with your life and the lives of your family in your hands? Getting stranded in the wilderness (and in the city) can be dangerous when you take into account all of the factors that stand against you, like wild animals, the possibility of attack, lack of shelter, poisonous plants, and little or no food, and water supplies. Being prepared is the only way to ensure that if you find yourself stranded in the wilderness you can get through it until help finds you, or you find your way to safety. Without training in basic skills for surviving, your chances of living through a disaster or being lost in the wilderness are slight. SLIM TO NONE. Learning to survive and fend for one’s self strengthens one’s confidence and character. So, when everything around you goes to hell in a hand-basket, why not be the one with the hand-basket of survival know-how and goodies?
Absolutely looking forward to it, Jovan, and greatly appreciate your sharing this! You are truly selfless and we are definitely blessed to have met you. Possibly, even CRAP has a silver lining!
I bought the book.