How We Forever Get Rid Of The Voting Machines - With Your Help! YOU ARE THE KEY!
What makes America great is its American citizens. From the establishment of our amazing Republic to gathering raw materials for WWII needs, Americans have always come through for America!
There may be no greater need for Americans to united to save our county than this very moment in time. We are at a modern Normandy Beach. We are having to navigate rough seas and waves to save our country once gain!
This time we may be facing the demise of our great Republic. The left wields tremendous power with the monies they supply to extreme destroy American causes and on the right we are hobbled with a greedy GOP which raises money for Election Integrity yet contributes noting to the election integrity cause.
General Flynn has seen how the left operates, and for that matter, how the right operates. WATCH OUR VIDEO - He, like myself, know government will not rise to the occasion and save us. The only way we save the America we love is for each of us to get involved. A key element of getting involved is having the funds it takes to ferret out all the election and voter roll corruption. We have the will, the intent and people like you, but we simply do not have the funds needed to battle the left and force the right to ‘fix our elections” once and for all. With proper funding we can put the irrefutable proof in front of lawmakers (on both sides of our government) and bring about change and most important - get rid of these voting machines. WE MUST go to all paper and one vote per person, on day day of voting!
If we do not hit this goal, it is over - as simple as that.
Here is the math we need to get to where we need to be. It can be you, but you can also get others to give to help us SAVE AMERICA!
Hi Jovan- I believe all seven buckets of efforts are worthy and I have already donated some to The America Project and will continue to do so in the future. But I also believe that free and honest elections pave the way to all of these areas. I am wanting to make a special donation directly to the election integrity bucket (with your work). How do I do this? Best Regards! Tricia
Probably the most worthy cause I've ever donated to, if we lose here, we lose everything!