Hey there, it’s Jovan - if you, the American Voter are paying attention and willing to Stand Up, Show Up and Speak Out, then you can help stop corruption. But it begins with you becoming The Smartest Patriot In The Room!
The corruption exposure in Arizona is a gift which just keeps on giving. Over the next few days, we will be broadcasting interviews with Jacqulyne Breger and John Thaler who are the driving forces behind exposing the vast corruption and possible cartel involvement/influence in the Arizona elections.
Keep up with the facts as they evolve below are links to the video presentations we did (which include our commentary and additions of additional forensic evidence):
FIRST COMMENTARY AND REVEAL - regarding corruptions facts matched back to our 2020 full forensic audit findings.
SECOND COMMENTARY AND REVEAL - regarding the ballots, counterfeit ballot details matched back to our 2020 full forensic audit findings.
THE VIDEO PRESENTATION DIRECTLY ABOVE has a 17-minute educational supplemental video which is the actual detailed forensic technology explanation we provided to the Arizona Attorney General during our forensic investigation.
THIRD COMMENTARY REVEAL - about a DOJ and FBI investigation into Election Fraud in Maricopa PRIOR to the election of 2020 and then is just magically disappeared (along with the criminals responsible)
In light of this highly documented EXPOSURE OF CORRUPTION in Maricopa County, Arizona the facts and findings of the 2020 Full Forensic Audit and the investigation of the 2022 REPEAT ….. matter now more than ever!
Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Katie Hobbs and other system and deep stack hacks on the left - the right (and the GOP) have activated the same hacks and opposition devices.
When we have this much hard-core physical evidence, now more than ever we need to make sure we do not allow those who submarined the findings of the 2020 Arizona Full Forensic Audit (who called it a grift, fraud, fake, bogus, scam or that it produced no results) to continue to undermine our efforts - especially since the bad actors in 2020 repeated their efforts in 2022!
The right has operatives just like the left and the GOP does not want the truth coming out. We now have a UNIPARTY! You know this now as does everyone else in America!
The other day - several conservative podcasters tied the incredible findings of the Thaler Law firm to an active call for 100 million Americans to get their guns, get in the streets and to go “break-out” the January 6th prisoners. Aside from this announcement being both illegal and the left will define it as a “terroristic threat” we are now on precarious ground.
The left, deep state and the Uniparty who DO NOT want this crime against America stopped activated because of the Arizona Audit and began a campaign calling it a grift, fraud, fake, bogus, scam or that it produced no results. These are the same people which called General Flynn a Satanists and Child Trafficker.
Professor Clemments, Joe Oltmann, Dr. Shiva. Pete Santilli and others - in concert with Katie Hobbs, Stephen Richer (and the Arizona Board of Supervisors) all activated campaigns to convince the world the 2020 Arizona Audit was fraudulent. This severely harmed the results of the findings being made public.
Not one person who called the Full Forensic Audit a grift or fraudulent had access to the data, findings or technology. Those acts of disruption are unforgivable and well documented.
You know, not only were we 100% right and found the fraud, but they repeated it in 2022 to steal the election from Kari Lake, Blake Masters, Abe Hamadeh and Mark Finchem.
We were set very far back due to these actions of either deep state actors, system hacks, jealous people or just opportunistic individuals, and now the newest attack has begun.
To attack the full forensic audit findings and now to attempt to tie the findings of Thaler Law Group to a call for “100m Americans to Take Up Weapons and Take To The Streets” is nothing more than a strategy to play directly into the current maladministration efforts to perpetuate the January 6th coup lie!
Although it may not feel like it, we are winning, and we have amazing hard proof of their crimes!
However, we can lose this war too, if we are just foolish and stupid and we do not shun and turn away all calling for violence!
So much evidence Arizona lawmakers have all been given the evidence and have ignored It now looks like who isn’t involved in the corruption instead of who is Along with your findings and Thaler and Breger I don’t know how it can be ignored any longer Jovan, you are the EXPERT and we appreciate all you do Much love Pray all exposing the truth stays safe
I am so thrilled that Jovan's work is vindicated and is coming to light. A little more patience and we shall see justice and truth rise to the top. We will learn the truth about the last two elections and see clearly how our country is being stolen by just a few. money and power hungry bad actors and their appointed henchmen. to see how deep the involvement goes is eye opening. I am a CRAP cutting loyal hard working retiree ready to get this word out and I pledge to peacefully help to remedy this in anyway I can.