$105,248,400 Million For Monitoring WiFi During Elections? Here's A Less Than $50 Solution
Do You Need A $600 Device To Monitor Your Elections For Nefarious Activities?
Wi-Fi sniffers strapped to drones—Mike Lindell’s odd plan to stop election fraud
In the tech development world geeks all over the world are both talking about and ridiculing Mike Lindell’s WMD Solution for “proving the elections are on the internet”
FIRST: I support Mike Lindell 1000% but I cannot understand WHY he would ever go public with this idea (video here)
SECOND: The moment he revealed his plan the nefarious actors flexed, and it is game over for “Bidenesque Sniffing”, DOA Dead on Arrival solution looking for a problem already known, provable and solvable!
Even the most Patriotic-red-white and blue technology leaders and experts cannot believe what Mike revealed. It was best NEVER TALKED ABOUT and then just released.
But as you saw from self-anointed so-called-tech expert (with no verifiable technology background at all) Joe Oltmann - Mike seems to have Joe as his “tech guru” and has plans for all of us leaving all other social media and giving all our social communications over to Oltmann. FAT CHANCE!
As Oltmann promised the future AND bullet proof security for us all - at the very same time he was on Mike’s TV broadcast complaining about a kid who hacked the program and took them off the air momentarily, he pumped us up on the possibility of going public (what an ill-advised disaster)! Does that make you feel safe to house all your social needs at one website? Not me and so far, no one I have talked to!
After the event we heard word from various Precincts that Mike’s sales teams were out pushing this solution and one precinct reported back it needed to raise $5,000 to accomplish this goal. At first blush it seemed the devices are $5,000 but later we were corrected they were maybe $300 each.
Here is the math - even if they are $300 each. 175,141 x $600 (need at least 1 redundant per precinct!) then this project would need to be funded to the tune of $105,248,400
Not going to happen. But we now hear they just want 300 to 1,000 of these devices out (reports are varying). But how does this do anything to save our elections when you MAY cover 0.1710239776% of the needed voting precincts?
Here is one of the TOP 10 Technology Connectivity Pioneers and his personal assessment (not mine) of Mike’s proposed solution and a simple way it could be done if someone were so inclined to make their own work on an existing tablet computer or laptop.
I am intentionally with holding his name since he is part of a mega billion upon billions of dollars enterprise and I do not want to out him. This is so simple even a “self-anointed”….Technology innovation guy.. Patriot down to do Patriot things, have fun calling out loonie leftist liars. Love Jesus but I’m not Jesus. You have been warned - poser can configure this widget (maybe) lol.
Mike Lindell’s Wi-Fi Monitoring Drone - Analysis
The current capabilities of the Wi-Fi Monitoring Drone (WMD) provide for the capture of Wi-Fi Media Access Control (MAC) address, determination of the hardware vendor from the MAC address, and capturing the timestamp of when the device was first detected.
The MAC address of a Wi-Fi radio network interface is usually set by the manufacturer and the hardware vendor can be derived by consulting a publicly available database of assigned Organizationally Unique Identifiers (OUIs) that make up the first part of the address.
On many hardware devices, the Wi-Fi radio MAC address can be changed by an operator or by the system to one that obscures the OUI/hardware vendor rendering the data potentially less reliable.
The Wireless Service Set Identifier (SSID) of a Wi-Fi or Hotspot Access Point is also able to be changed by an operator or by the system. No actual wireless packet data can be intercepted reliably without resorting to illegal methods.
From outside of a wireless network, it is impossible to determine upstream internet routers and gateway devices beyond Wi-Fi or Hotspot Access Points.
The device will be capable of identifying Cellular phone radio transmitters, devices with a Wi-Fi radio, Bluetooth enabled devices, and possibly others not disclosed.
The WMD appears to include WIGLE location map capabilities integrated.
It is not known if the Kismet package is used but it is the most likely choice for this application from publicly available information.
Software / Hardware Involved
SoC (System-on-chip) miniature computer with WiFi network radio interface, or other programmable radio interface.
Kismet https://www.kismetwireless.net provides wireless scanning capabilities.
WIGLE https://wigle.net/ provides integration with the wireless scanning software (Kismet) to plot radio device data onto maps.
There is likely custom software involved for implementation, but almost assuredly only using off the shelf software tools for the heavy lifting.
Without the capability of examining actual network data traffic, as well as the inability to reliably attribute a positive identification of radio transmission source, such a passive wireless monitoring device will have little to no value in discovering any proof of illicit or compromised system activity.
The WMD system is likely capable of capturing massive amounts of non-actionable, non-attributable data.
Precise location details of discovered transmitting radio devices are unlikely to be captured but signal strength data may be used to calculate a more approximate positioning if the WMD is moved using a search pattern (such as from drone), or if multiple WMDs are employed in the same general location.
It has been demonstrated in the past that radio transmitters are able to provide a crude sort of “radar” capability to locate objects and provide more details of the physical environment surrounding the radio such as rooms, walls, etc.
Neither of these functionalities have been announced in conjunction with the WMD so it is left to speculation as to what is possible.
It appears that the WMD may in fact have been assembled by a team with non-genuine intentions. The technical analysis and the information captured from Hughes Tech Group shown at the end of the article may be a giveaway as to true intentions.
NOTE: Yes, Hughes Tech Group IS the fellow known as Dennis Montgomery who supposedly had the PCAPS but never came forth with them but is a super-secret protected tech guru to the CIA and NO, President Trump did not get reinstalled August 13th, 2021, as preached! The world still awaits the Dennis Montgomery evidence of PCAPS to come forward and we may be waiting for this hobbled from the start DOA solution to come to fruition as well.
So much controlled opposition. The uniparty system is so corrupted we can't have a fair election. The only good sign is the few states ridding themselves of ERIC. Obviously there are no laws against flagrant falsified voter rolls.